Sunday, 28 September 2008

Starting Out

Another blank page. What am I thinking, confronting myself with a blog to fill along with everything else? Ok, I'm just going to ramble for a bit, let you know what the plan is. Apparently all writers should have a blog (all the better to lure poor, unsuspecting fools - no offence - to pay attention to us!) and I've been waiting for an opportunity to start my own up. Yesterday, I officially started my second course with the Open University - A215 'Creative Writing' - so I thought I would take this chance to chronicle my experiences and also get my writing out into the world.

So, that's what you have to look forward to (or ignore completely, depending on how obnoxious/untalented I come across as). Lots of whining about how difficult it is to find inspiration and hopefully some semi-decent writing. With any luck I'll also be able to give a flavour of what the course is like, for anybody considering taking it. Right, now I've set myself up, I'd better do some work so I've actually got something to talk about in my next post. Wish me luck.

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